Partner meetings

Fourth meeting of the project

On 9 and 10 October, the SEIDE@CRO team met in Sofia to discuss the progress made so far and plan further activities to promote good practices in crowdfunding! 📈📣 We spent a lot of time on the evaluation and further development of the e-learning platform, where you can now find a course in English, from which you will learn how to comprehensively and effectively prepare your own crowdfunding campaign. We are also starting work on preparing a chatbot that will be your individual assistant when preparing, conducting and evaluating crowdfunding activities. Follow our fanpage to stay up to date with all the news on this topic: SEIDE A CRO In the photos you can see members of the SEIDE@CRO team

Third meeting of the project

The third transnational meeting for the SEIDE@CRO (Supporting Sustainable Social Entrepreneurship Initiatives in Digital Era: Crowdfunding Toolbox) project took place on 15 and 16 May 2023 in Warsaw. The transnational meeting was face to face meeting of the SEIDE@CRO project, organized by Foundation Zofia Zamenhof. The transnational meeting included 10 participants from the project’s organizations. The transnational meeting followed the planned agenda. During the meeting, partners had an overview of the project and discussed the E-learning course "Сrowdfunding in Action: how to raise money for sustainable social entrepreneurship initiatives" and SEIDE@CRO chat bot in social media.


Second meeting of the project

The second transnational meeting for the SEIDE@CRO (Supporting Sustainable Social Entrepreneurship Initiatives in Digital Era: Crowdfunding Toolbox) project took place on the 29th and 30th of September in Belgium. The transnational meeting was the first face to face meeting of the SEIDE@CRO project, organized by ECN (European Crowdfunding Network). The transnational meeting included 9 participants from the project’s organizations, who had the opportunity to meet each other partners in person for the first time, present their organizations, expand their ideas about the project and discuss the project's action plan. The transnational meeting followed the planned agenda. During the meeting, partners had an overview of the project and discussed the current state of crowdfunding in Europe. Following that, all partners provided an overview of the national crowdfunding situation. The IO2- E-learning course "Сrowdfunding in Action: how to raise money for sustainable social entrepreneurship initiatives" and IO3 SEIDE@CRO-chat bot in social media" were presented and further discussed among partners. Simultaneously, partners developed an indicative timetable for organizing the online meeting for the remainder of 2022.

Kick-off meeting of the project

