Сrowdfunding in Action:
How to raise money for sustainable social entrepreneurship initiatives
Latest Publications

SEIDE A CRO – 12-02-2024
The final working meeting of the partners of the outstanding project SEIDE@CRO “Crowdfunding in Action: How to raise money for sustainable social entrepreneurship initiatives” took

SEIDE A CRO – 22-01-2024
On 22 January was held an information day on the project in the building of the Faculty of Economics of Sofia University. Students and teachers, representatives

SEIDE A CRO – 01-02-2024
Next week, representatives of our Foundation, headed by dr Wojciech Duranowski, will go to Athens, Greece, to take part in the Transnational Project Meeting as
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Healthy Eating for Healthy Life
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Control Your Brain with Pranayama
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The Trainers

Jamie Hofstadter
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Annie Hofstadter
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo luctus .

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